

Mineflow is an AI platform for mineral exploration. We generate predictions for mineral deposit shapes and locations, empowering mining companies from initial exploration to advanced feasibility studies.

Whether you're just beginning to explore a site or you've drilled hundreds of holes and you're refining predictions for your feasibility study, Mineflow is the essential tool in every modern geologist's toolkit. We're transforming mineral exploration with AI-powered precision, helping you uncover valuable deposits more efficiently than ever before.

How It Works

  1. Your geologists work closely with the Mineflow team to upload a zip file of all the data they have collected at their exploration sites (every survey, drill hole, rock sample, etc.)
  2. The Mineflow team creates two custom AI models for you based on your data: a 2D prospectivity model for birds-eye view predictions and a 3D resource model for underground predictions
  3. For every site, the Mineflow team uses these custom AI models to generate a 2D prospectivity map and a 3D block model
  4. The Mineflow team iteratively updates your predictions based on any new data/feedback that you provide

See Documentation for an in-depth tutorial.